iPad case design con cepts keep com ing out, with more and more of them start ing to look the same. The con cept is sim ple: a hard case, with a hand-strap grip on the back that rotates 360 degrees. The case looks like a great idea if you depend on your iPad and use it for extend ed peri ods of time.
The prob lem with the Grab bit is, there's already anoth er prod uct iden ti cal to it out there, called the Hand stand. The Hand stand is cur rent ly list ed as patent pend ing, so the Grabbit peo ple might be dis ap point ed depend ing on when they filed their patent request. The Grab bit case also is "avail able soon" accord ing to their web site, so it appears that they might not be in pro duc tion yet. The Grab bit is cur rent ly avail able for pre-order for $49 (plus ship ping) from their web site. Be aware, this is part of the Kick start project, where a prod uct will only be pro duced if enough ran dom peo ple ante up the money.