Ninja Tip: How to re-enable iOS 4.2 network AirPrint on Windows
Interested in how to get network AirPrint working again via your Windows PC? Without much of an explanation, AirPrint was severely gutted just prior to iOS 4.2's release, retaining support for only a small handful of wireless printers. However, we recently posted on how to restore network printing to Mac OS X 10.6.5, and now we're here to tell you how to restore it to Windows 7 as well. Check our easy to follow step-by-step instructions after the break!
To Re-Enable AirPrint on Windows 7:
- Install iTunes 10.1
- Download (airprint.exe, libairprint.dll, XpdfPrint.dll)
- Unzip it.
- Make a folder, "C:\Program Files\AirPrint\" or (64-bit= C:\Program Files (x86)\AirPrint\"
- Copy the files to "C:\Program Files\AirPrint\" or (64-bit= C:\Program Files (x86)\AirPrint\"
- Run "cmd.exe" as administrator (Open "Run" from Start Menu and type CMD)
Run the following commands (There should be a space between '=' and '"')
Windows 64bit:
- sc.exe create AirPrint binPath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\AirPrint\airprint.exe -s" depend= "Bonjour Service" start= auto
- sc.exe start AirPrint
Windows 32bit:
- sc.exe create AirPrint binPath= "C:\Program Files\AirPrint\airprint.exe -s" depend= "Bonjour Service" start= auto
- sc.exe start AirPrint
Let Windows Firewall allow AirPrint to communicate on the networks (Double click on the airprint.exe) or you can manually add to Windows Firewall exceptions.
- Make sure you have set your printer as shared on both your network settings and on the printers settings.
- On your device you will be asked for Admin ID and PW the first time you print unless you have a guest account enabled.
Sent from my iPad