Saturday, February 12, 2011

Article: Apple iPad 2 Release Near as AT&T Discount iPad Accessories

Apple iPad 2 Release Near as AT&T Discount iPad Accessories - Phones Review

Apple iPad 2 Release Near as AT&T Discount iPad Accessories

Under: AT&TOther Mobile Devices
Date: February 12th, 2011

More speculation on the arrival of the next generation Apple iPad today, there have been quite a few rumours lately over the release date for the Apple iPad 2, and that's what we have for your consideration today, yet another rumour.

According to the guys over on the Boy Genius Report, they have received a few tip-offs that AT&T corporate stores are gearing up to reduce the price on Apple iPadaccessories by as much as 50 percent as of tomorrow the 13th of Feb.

Furthermore according to the unnamed tipster, AT&T doesn't usually drop the price of accessories by as much or clearance products unless a replacement is forthcoming, which could mean that theApple iPad 2 release is imminent.

No word on just what Apple iPad accessories AT&T is discounting, and obviously there's no confirmation that this discounting means the next generation Apple iPad is about to hit the mobile space, but do you think AT&T would cut the price of iPad products if the Apple iPad 2 wasn't close to release?

What do our readers think about this, could the Apple iPad 2 be about to show up or could AT&T just be feeling generous for Valentine's Day?

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