Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Article: BlackBerry PlayBook WiFi version will cost $500. | Apple Headlines - Mac, iOS, Apple News

BlackBerry PlayBook WiFi version will cost $500. | Apple Headlines - Mac, iOS, Apple News -

BlackBerry PlayBook WiFi version will cost $500.

February 9, 2011 By: Brian View Comments

Blackberry Playbook Office Depot $500 | Apple Headlines - Mac, iOS, Apple News

It seems RIM is going to price its BlackBerry PlayBook at $500 according to a leaked Office Depot inventory screenshot. It will be WiFi only and have 16GB of storage. The is the same price as the current iPad with the same amount of storage.

Unfortunately it's still "Dead on Arrival". Least it'll be $300 cheaper the Motorola's Xoom Android tablet.

With what we know about the iPad 2, it'll be worth skipping the PlayBook altogether. Oh and don't forget about the iPad 3.

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