Sunday, October 31, 2010

Article: VLC for iPad/iPhone to be removed from the App Store?

VLC for iPad/iPhone to be removed from the App Store? - Crunchgear
VLC for iPad/iPhone to be removed from the App Store?
by Simon Chester on October 31, 2010

It was with much celebration that every geek's favourite video player — VLC — made its way onto both the iPad and the iPhone, so it is with a heavy heart that I write this post.

Over the weekend, iLounge received word that Rémi Denis-Courmont, one of the primary developers of the VLC Media Player, sent a copyright infringement notice to Apple.

"Whaaaa!?" I hear you cry, "but that doesn't make sense!" Well, the reasoning behind it is that it's violating the GNU General Public License (GPL) that VLC is distributed under.

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